Financial support to any religious institution has become a contentious issue because of abuse and mismanagement.  This has put the onus on Churches to ensure that they are above reproach and fully transparent when it comes to their finances.  That being said, God still expects His people to give to their local church.  2 Corinthians 8 & 9 gives an excellent framework on how we should think about our financial giving.


 Anyone and everyone can give and support any ministry, however we see in scripture that God expects His people to give materially and financially (2 Cor. 9:7).  This is a pattern that started in the Old Testament and is continued through the New Testament churches.


We give because we understand the nature of Grace (2 Cor. 8:8-9).  Jesus became poor that through His sacrifice we might be enriched with Him.  Our financial giving is also one of the most tangible ways that we can partner with the ministry being done.  When we give we communicate three things:

  1. We communicate to God that all we have is from God, and He has made us stewards of His gifts.
  2. We communicate to ourselves that we are sustained by God and not our finances so we can afford to give generously.
  3. We communicate to the world that we serve a good God that cares for His people and for the lost.


The Old Testament gives us a good starting point of giving 10%, but the New Testament expands on this idea.  In 2 Corinthians Paul gives some good guidelines that should guide our hearts and thoughts as we give.  We should give:

  • Sacrificially (8:1-2) – in spite of our circumstances
  • Generously (8:10-12) – as much as we can
  • Realistically (8:13-15) – not above our means
  • Cheerfully (9:6-7) – not under compulsion
  • Prayerfully – led by the Holy Spirit


Our spiritual health should always be our top priority and therefore we should always be concerned that those who are tasked with the spiritual health of our souls are able to do that to the best of their abilities.  First and foremost, we give to our local church.  Every member of a local church should ‘buy’ into the mission and vision of their church and part of how we communicate that is through our financial partnership.  Above and beyond your support of your local church a Christian should be charitable with their finances and eager to share. 

If you want to partner with Red Door Church financially, you can do so through an Electronic Funds Transfer.  Our bank details are:

Account name: Red Door

Bank: FNB

Account number: 62826971758

Branch code: 250655 


Grace and Peace


Rhynhardt de Bruin